Powerful Conversations with Dr. Karen Jacobson – Episode 66

Evan Hackel speaks with Dr. Karen Jacobson, a professional speaker and author of “Powerful Conversations: Creating First Impressions to Lasting Connections.” Some topics discussed in this episode include: the benefits of having a positive attitude, how to turn around a negative situation, tips on training your team members and more. To learn more about Karen, visit https://drkarenjacobson.com.

2019-02-05T11:30:14-05:00February 5, 2019|

Aligning for Powerful Results with Karen Walker – Episode 65

Evan Hackel speaks with Karen Walker, the president and principal consultant at Oneteam, Inc. Karen specializes in helping senior leaders create internal strategies that support their organizations’ external growth. Topics discussed in this episode include: strategies on growing a successful team, team leadership, and Karen’s new book “No Dumbing Down.” To learn more about Karen, visit https://karenwalker.us.

2019-02-05T11:32:55-05:00January 28, 2019|

Create Your Own Energy Bus with Jon Gordon – Episode 64

Evan Speaks with best selling author Jon Gordon, an expert in the field of training and positive energy. Some of Jon’s books include: The Power of a Positive Team, The Power of Positive Leadership and The Endergy Bus. Tune in to learn how you can be a more positive person, control your own bus and keep those energy vampires away. Check out http://www.jongordon.com/ to learn more about Jon Gordon.

2019-01-08T09:45:22-05:00January 8, 2019|

Get Training Buy in through Transparency and Collaboration with Tony Perry – Episode 63

Evan Hackel speaks with professional trainer and motivational speaker Tony Perry. In this episode, you will learn how to sell the importance of training with transparency and collaboration. You’ll also learn how to lower employee turnover with a well-structured training program, and other best practices in training. To learn more about Tony, visit https://www.tonyperrytraining.com.

2018-12-19T14:36:45-05:00December 17, 2018|

How to Improve Your Human Relationships with Tony Chatman – Episode 62

Evan Hackel, speaks with Tony Chatman, a professional speaker and trainer. Tony, is a recognized leader in human relationships, helping people understand the fundamental differences of how people think and act. Want to improve your communication in business and your personal life? Tony, is here to help. To learn more about Tony, visit http://www.tonychatman.com.

2018-12-10T10:07:37-05:00December 10, 2018|

Move the Finish Line with Phil M. Jones – Episode 61

Evan Hackel speaks with professional speaker, salesperson, trainer and author Phil M. Jones. Phil, shares his unique thoughts on training and key techniques that you can use to increase sales. He also talks about how companies can build more confidence with their training department. He’s truly an expert in the field of training. To learn more about Phil visit https://www.philmjones.com.

2018-11-28T09:43:15-05:00November 19, 2018|

Negotiating Better Terms for Women in Work and Life with Meg Myers Morgan – Episode 60

Evan Hackel speaks with career negotiation coach Meg Myers Morgan. Meg, a Professor at the University of Oklahoma, specializes in negotiating better terms for women in work and life. Evan and Meg discuss how women can build confidence and negotiate better, and her new book titled, “Everything is Negotiable: The Five Tactics to Get What You Want in Life, Love and Work.” Connect with Meg at MegMyersMogan.com.

2018-11-19T10:36:21-05:00November 12, 2018|

Why Persuasive Communications is the Only Force You Will Ever Need with Jeff Tippett – Episode #59

Evan speaks with business owner, writer and professional speaker, Jeff Tippett. Jeff, discusses his latest book “Unleashing Your Super Power: Why Persuasive communications is the Only Force You Will Ever Need”, due out in late 2018. Connect with Jeff on LinkedIn here or his official website.

2018-10-23T09:01:30-04:00October 23, 2018|

Our goal is to change a million lives through our IX leadership community with Dr. Rachel Haedley and Meg Manke – Episode #58

Evan Hackel Speaks with Senior partners Dr. Rachel Headley and Meg Manke from Rose Group Leadership on how to be a better leader. Rachel and Meg are both leadership experts who have years of experience studying and researching leadership. They discuss their new book and Leadership style “IX Leadership based on their findings. Connect with Rachel on LinkedIn here. Connect with Meg on LinkedIn here.

2018-10-23T08:57:50-04:00October 17, 2018|

Rethinking Onboarding With Meghan Sweeney – Episode #57

Cordell Riley speaks with Meghan Sweeney, a Client Engagement manager and learning strategist at Tortal Training. Meghan discusses the importance of ongoing onboarding in your organization to help set your employees up for success. Meghan is a thought leader in the training field with over 15+ years of experience. Connect with Meghan on LinkedIn here.

2020-02-28T13:55:19-05:00October 8, 2018|
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