Unleashing Retention and Development Strategies with Max Holvik

In this episode of Training Unleashed, host Evan Hackel sits down with Max Holvik, a seasoned expert in the field of training and development. Max shares his insights on the importance of training as a tool for employee retention, particularly among younger generations. They discuss the role of training in fostering a growth mindset and the value of having a structured training plan.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Value of Training in High Turnover Environments:
    • Training as a retention tool, especially for younger employees who value growth and development opportunities.
    • The importance of engaging and career-oriented training programs to motivate employees.
  2. Generational Differences in Training Needs:
    • Younger generations’ appreciation for continuous learning and career development.
    • How companies like McDonald’s have successfully retained employees by offering comprehensive training programs.
  3. Challenges and Solutions in Employee Turnover:
    • Case study of a restaurant chain with 65% turnover and the realization that better hiring and compensation practices are essential.
    • Examples of successful companies like Costco and Chick-fil-A, which invest in their employees through better pay and career opportunities.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness of Training:
    • The economic benefits of training and retaining motivated employees versus the costs of turnover.
    • The importance of cultural fit and motivation in the effectiveness of training programs.
  5. Collaboration Between HR, Training, and Operations:
    • The need for a true partnership between HR, training departments, and operations to achieve successful outcomes.

Special Offer:

Max offers a limited-time opportunity for the first 20 listeners who reach out to receive a hard copy of “Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation,” a fundamental resource for anyone in the training industry. Contact through either company’s website or via email at [email protected].

Max Holvik emphasizes the importance of having a clear training plan and roadmap to achieve desired outcomes. His final tip is to understand the objectives and restrictions upfront to create effective training programs.

About Guest:

Max Holvik is the founder of two companies: Training Systems Design and Learning Staff. Training Systems Design specializes in creating custom training solutions for large corporations, having developed over 1,000 courses. Learning Staff provides staff augmentation services, offering professional learning personnel to clients on a short-term basis.

How to Connect with Mike Skrypnek:
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2024-08-07T11:28:21-04:00August 7, 2024|

The Transformative Power of Coaching in Career Development with Randi Roberts

Welcome to another insightful edition of Training Unleashed! Today’s episode brings us a compelling conversation between our host, Evan Hackle, and the esteemed guest, Randi Roberts, CEO of Randi Roberts Coaching. The focus of this discussion revolves around the world of coaching and its profound impact on individuals, teams, and organizational growth.

Why Coaching Matters

Evan begins the conversation by addressing a significant question: Why do some people undervalue coaching, and why isn’t it a more prominent part of the executive world? Randi expresses her belief that awareness of coaching is on the rise and emphasizes the transformative nature of coaching relationships. As someone deeply passionate about coaching, Randi emphasizes that coaching isn’t about telling people what to do; it’s about guiding them to find their own path forward.

The conversation evolves to highlight the changing landscape of coaching acceptance. Randi notes that once individuals understand the support and possibilities coaching brings, they become more open to it. Coaching, however, isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. While it may not be for everyone, those willing to engage in inner work and move forward find tremendous value in the coaching relationship.

Introducing Coaching Effectively

The discussion touches upon the crucial aspect of introducing coaching effectively within organizations. Randi and Evan share their experiences of coaching within corporate settings, highlighting the positive impact on individual and team performance. The key, they suggest, is framing coaching as an investment in personal and professional growth rather than a corrective measure.

Confidentiality in coaching engagements is a pivotal aspect that Randi emphasizes. Whether coaching is initiated by individuals or companies, setting clear objectives and maintaining confidentiality creates a safe space for clients to explore and grow.

Leadership Team Development: Nurturing High Performance

Transitioning into leadership team development, Randi underscores its essential role in organizational success. With teams constantly evolving, from forming new teams to assimilating new leaders and diagnosing team challenges, the need for ongoing development becomes apparent. Trust is identified as the foundational element, and addressing both strengths and deficits is crucial for fostering high-performance teams.

One Tip for Career Success

As the conversation concludes, Randi offers a valuable tip: If something doesn’t feel right in your career, invest time in inner work to identify the root cause. Ensuring you solve the right problem is crucial for making informed decisions about your career path.

About Our Guest

Randi Roberts shares her journey, having enjoyed two fulfilling careers—one in pharmaceuticals and the current one as a coach for the past five years. As the founder of Randi Roberts Coaching, she specializes in executive coaching, career life coaching, and leadership team development. Interested readers can explore valuable resources on her website and connect via email at [email protected].

2024-01-29T17:35:30-05:00February 14, 2024|
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