Unleashing the Power of Mindset: Overcoming Adversity with Bryan Schwartz

In this compelling episode of Training Unleashed, host Evan Hackle sits down with Bryan Schwartz, a former NFL linebacker, leadership coach, and author. Bryan shares profound insights into the power of mindset in overcoming adversity, both in personal and professional life. Drawing from his experiences on and off the field, Bryan discusses the importance of embracing challenges, stepping out in faith, and the vital role that mindset plays in developing resilience.

Key Topics Discussed:

The Role of Adversity in Growth:

    • Bryan explains that adversity is a necessary part of personal and professional growth. He emphasizes that challenges are designed to help individuals develop and ultimately fulfill their purpose.

Mindset Over Motivation:

      • Unlike traditional self-help books, Bryan’s approach focuses on cultivating the right mindset rather than just offering motivational speeches. He believes that a strong mindset is foundational to achieving lasting success.

Three Key Principles:

    • Bryan introduces his three-step process to help high-performing individuals break through barriers:
      • Right-Sizing the Promise: Ensuring that the promise you’re pursuing is greater than the problems you face.
      • Resizing the Problem: Understanding that problems must be framed within the context of the larger promise.
      • Reframing the Pressure: Learning to handle daily pressures with a renewed perspective, leading to personal growth and increased capacity.

Staying Grounded in the Present:

    • Bryan advises listeners to stay grounded in the present moment to avoid the pitfalls of anxiety (future-focused) and depression (past-focused). He stresses that being present allows for better opportunities and a greater impact on others.

Living with Purpose:

    • Bryan shares his belief that everyone has an assignment in life that goes beyond just earning a paycheck or seeking fame. He encourages listeners to live with purpose, reflecting their values and beliefs in all aspects of life.
About Our Guest

Bryan Schwartz is a former NFL player turned leadership coach and author. He is the founder of Fourth and Short, a coaching business aimed at helping high-performing individuals develop the mindset and skills necessary to overcome challenges and maximize their impact. His latest book, which delves deep into the mindset required to navigate life’s adversities, is already gaining praise for its practical and purpose-driven approach.

How to Connect with Dan Silberberg:

2024-09-04T10:08:25-04:00September 4, 2024|

Unleashing Growth Through the Hero’s Journey: Transforming Leadership and Training w/ Dan Silberberg

In this episode of Training Unleashed, host Evan Hackel sits down with Dan Silberberg, an expert in leadership and coaching with a passion for helping individuals and organizations unlock their true potential. Dan shares his journey from corporate leadership to becoming a coach who focuses on self-awareness, authenticity, and personal growth. The discussion dives deep into the importance of self-awareness in leadership, the power of the hero’s journey, and how individuals can transform themselves to achieve their highest potential.

Key Topics Discussed:

Dan Silberberg’s Journey:

  • Dan’s transition from a corporate leader to a leadership consultant.
  • His experience returning to school to earn a master’s degree in leadership and coaching, and how this journey forced him to apply the principles of self-awareness to his own life.

The Role of Self-Awareness in Leadership:

  • Dan discusses the critical importance of self-awareness in leadership and how it enables leaders to move from reactivity to intentionality.
  • Tools and practices that leaders can use to enhance their self-awareness and lead more effectively.

The Hero’s Journey and Personal Transformation:

  • An exploration of the hero’s journey as a framework for personal development, inspired by Joseph Campbell’s work.
  • How embracing your own hero’s journey can lead to profound personal and professional transformation.
  • Dan’s eBook, From Myth to Meaning: Awakening the Leader Within, which guides readers through their own hero’s journey.

Programs and Masterminds Offered by Dan Silberberg:

  • Overview of Dan’s leadership consultancy and the programs he offers, including two 13-week courses focused on leading from within and developing personal power and influence.
  • Information on how to engage with Dan’s mastermind groups or one-on-one coaching sessions.

The Importance of Authenticity:

  • Dan shares a powerful tip for listeners: the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
  • He encourages listeners to work on their authentic selves rather than conforming to external expectations, and to create a life and legacy that they are proud of.

Special Offer: Dan is offering a free eBook titled From Myth to Meaning: Awakening the Leader Within, which takes readers through their own hero’s journey. To receive a copy, listeners can email Dan at [email protected].

About Our Guest

Dan Silberberg is the Founder of The Leader Council, operating in major cities such as New York, Boston, London, Chicago, Beverly Hills, and Sydney. He works with C-suite executives from middle-market companies ranging from $50 to $500 million in revenue. Dan is a thought leader and visionary dedicated to helping world-class leaders unleash their unrealized potential. His clients are unique, highly talented individuals committed to personal growth and bringing out the best in themselves and others.

How to Connect with Dan Silberberg:

2024-08-14T11:15:47-04:00August 14, 2024|

Unleashing the Power of LinkedIn: Insights from Carol Kaemmerer

Join us on an insightful journey with Carol Kaemmerer, a seasoned marketing communications professional turned LinkedIn expert, as she shares her wealth of knowledge on leveraging LinkedIn for professional growth. In this episode, Carol delves into the intricacies of crafting a compelling LinkedIn profile, building authentic relationships, and harnessing the full potential of the platform.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Professional Growth

In this digital age, professionals across various industries are constantly seeking avenues for personal and career development. One platform that has emerged as a powerful tool for networking, learning, and career advancement is LinkedIn. But how can individuals truly harness the potential of LinkedIn beyond merely showcasing their resumes? Carol Kaemmerer delves into the intricacies of using LinkedIn as a strategic resource, emphasizing the importance of building meaningful connections and cultivating a strong online presence.

Crafting a Compelling LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile serves as your digital business card, making a lasting impression on potential employers, clients, and collaborators. Carol Kaemmerer shares invaluable insights into crafting a compelling LinkedIn profile that stands out amidst the sea of professionals. From optimizing your profile picture to crafting a captivating headline and leveraging the power of your banner image, Carol’s expertise shines through as she guides individuals on maximizing their profile’s impact.

Building Authentic Relationships on LinkedIn

Beyond mere connections, the true essence of LinkedIn lies in fostering genuine relationships that can lead to professional growth and opportunities. Carol Kaemmerer emphasizes the importance of authenticity and engagement in building meaningful connections on the platform. By sharing practical tips and strategies, she empowers individuals to move beyond transactional networking and cultivate authentic relationships that can propel their careers forward.

About Our Guest

Carol Kaemmerer is a seasoned marketing communications professional who transitioned into becoming a leading expert on LinkedIn. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Carol brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Her journey into becoming a LinkedIn expert was unexpected but transformative, leading her to carve out a niche in helping individuals and businesses optimize their presence on the platform.

You can also check head over to our YouTube channel to watch Carol’s full episode  or you can check out previous episode and gain even more valuable insights to advance your career!

2024-04-24T12:08:50-04:00April 24, 2024|

Navigating Diversity and Equity Across Borders: Insights from Toby Mildon

Toby Mildon is on a mission to help put the right strategies in place to improve retention, innovation, productivity, profitability and so much more. In this episode of Training Unleashed, Evan Hackle and Toby have an enlightening discussion on diversity and inclusion.

Comparing Diversity Discussions: UK vs. US

The definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion are remarkably similar in the UK and the US. Toby emphasizes the importance of all three elements for creating a fair society. Diversity includes everyone, inclusion enables full contributions, and equity emphasizes personalized approaches. Toby introduces the iceberg analogy, stating that visible characteristics represent only 10% of our diversity, while the remaining 80% consists of invisible attributes. Understanding this diversity is crucial for creating an inclusive and respectful work environment.

Impact of Bias on Decision-Making

Bias, often automatic and unintentional, significantly influences decision-making, especially in critical situations like hiring or promotions. Toby highlights the importance of being mindful, curious, and challenging assumptions to understand individuals and their strengths.

Six Signature Traits of Inclusive Leadership

Toby shares the six traits identified by Deloitte for inclusive leadership:

  1. Curiosity: A trait essential for inclusive leaders.
  2. Cognizance: Being aware of biases and blind spots.
  3. Courage: Fostering honest, frank, and brave discussions.
  4. Cultural Intelligence: Understanding and navigating different cultures.
  5. Collaboration: Encouraging effective collaboration across teams.
  6. Commitment: A commitment to diversity and inclusion, challenging the status quo.
Inclusive Growth: Good for Business

Toby emphasizes that diverse teams make better decisions, and McKinsey’s reports support the idea that diverse leadership teams lead to more profitable businesses. Inclusive cultures improve creativity, innovation, customer experiences, and employee retention, leading to positive business outcomes.

About Our Guest

Toby Mildon, the founder of Milton Echo Ltd., is a dedicated advocate for fostering inclusive cultures within organizations. With a wealth of experience, Toby collaborates with clients to drive positive change, improve productivity, and create environments where everyone feels valued. For more information about Toby Mildon and his work, visit Milton Echo Ltd.. Connect with Toby on LinkedIn, where he shares valuable content regularly.

2024-01-29T17:36:23-05:00February 21, 2024|

The Transformative Power of Coaching in Career Development with Randi Roberts

Welcome to another insightful edition of Training Unleashed! Today’s episode brings us a compelling conversation between our host, Evan Hackle, and the esteemed guest, Randi Roberts, CEO of Randi Roberts Coaching. The focus of this discussion revolves around the world of coaching and its profound impact on individuals, teams, and organizational growth.

Why Coaching Matters

Evan begins the conversation by addressing a significant question: Why do some people undervalue coaching, and why isn’t it a more prominent part of the executive world? Randi expresses her belief that awareness of coaching is on the rise and emphasizes the transformative nature of coaching relationships. As someone deeply passionate about coaching, Randi emphasizes that coaching isn’t about telling people what to do; it’s about guiding them to find their own path forward.

The conversation evolves to highlight the changing landscape of coaching acceptance. Randi notes that once individuals understand the support and possibilities coaching brings, they become more open to it. Coaching, however, isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. While it may not be for everyone, those willing to engage in inner work and move forward find tremendous value in the coaching relationship.

Introducing Coaching Effectively

The discussion touches upon the crucial aspect of introducing coaching effectively within organizations. Randi and Evan share their experiences of coaching within corporate settings, highlighting the positive impact on individual and team performance. The key, they suggest, is framing coaching as an investment in personal and professional growth rather than a corrective measure.

Confidentiality in coaching engagements is a pivotal aspect that Randi emphasizes. Whether coaching is initiated by individuals or companies, setting clear objectives and maintaining confidentiality creates a safe space for clients to explore and grow.

Leadership Team Development: Nurturing High Performance

Transitioning into leadership team development, Randi underscores its essential role in organizational success. With teams constantly evolving, from forming new teams to assimilating new leaders and diagnosing team challenges, the need for ongoing development becomes apparent. Trust is identified as the foundational element, and addressing both strengths and deficits is crucial for fostering high-performance teams.

One Tip for Career Success

As the conversation concludes, Randi offers a valuable tip: If something doesn’t feel right in your career, invest time in inner work to identify the root cause. Ensuring you solve the right problem is crucial for making informed decisions about your career path.

About Our Guest

Randi Roberts shares her journey, having enjoyed two fulfilling careers—one in pharmaceuticals and the current one as a coach for the past five years. As the founder of Randi Roberts Coaching, she specializes in executive coaching, career life coaching, and leadership team development. Interested readers can explore valuable resources on her website and connect via email at [email protected].

2024-01-29T17:35:30-05:00February 14, 2024|

The Symphony of Choices in Business and Life with Gerald Leonard

Welcome to another captivating edition of Training Unleashed. We extend our gratitude to our sponsors, C-suite TV and C-suite Radio, as without them, this show wouldn’t be possible. Today, we’re thrilled to have an extraordinary guest, Gerald Leonard, the CEO of Turnberry Premier. He’s not just your typical CEO; he’s a musician with a fascinating story that intertwines the world of music with the realm of business.

What Does Music Have to Do with Business?

Evan poses a question that sets the tone for the discussion: “Gerald, what does music have to do with business?” Gerald responds with a profound connection between his musical journey, starting at the age of ten, and the valuable lessons he’s applied throughout his career.

“As a musician, you have to practice to get better,” Gerald explains. “You have to practice to learn your instrument and master that skill.” Drawing parallels to the business world, he emphasizes the importance of CEOs focusing on and mastering the essential skills required for their roles.

The Art of Learning and Seeking Guidance

Reflecting on his early years, Gerald shares a pivotal lesson from his childhood. Recognizing his limitations and the need for guidance, he hired his first coach at the age of twelve. This experience taught him the value of seeking mentorship, a principle that carried forward into his professional life.

“I realized I could only go so far by myself, so I needed a coach,” he recounts. This early lesson of seeking support and mentorship shaped his approach to continuous learning and improvement.

The Dance of Collaboration: Lessons from Playing Together

Gerald draws parallels between playing music and working in a business environment, emphasizing the importance of listening. “Just the art of listening is critical in business,” he notes. Musicians learn to listen, understand, and blend their contributions to create a harmonious performance.

“As a CEO, my job is to surrender and lead by example, providing the support everyone needs,” Gerald states. These principles of collaboration and support were instilled in him during his musical journey and are now integral to his leadership philosophy.

How to Find a Mentor: Gerald’s Advice

In response to Evan’s query about finding a mentor, Gerald shares his personal approach. He emphasizes the importance of seeking mentors with a track record of success in areas aligned with one’s goals. Even if you haven’t met them personally, mentors can influence and guide through their works, be it books, online programs, or workshops.

Connecting with Gerald

For those intrigued by Gerald’s insights and keen to explore more, you can connect with him on LinkedIn or visit the Productivity Intelligence Institute website for valuable resources, including downloadable materials on goal setting and project management.

Parting Wisdom: The Pomodoro Technique

As a parting tip, Gerald encourages adopting the Pomodoro Technique—working in short intervals with breaks in between. This technique enhances productivity and allows the mind to refresh, resulting in more focused and efficient work.

2024-01-29T17:34:37-05:00February 7, 2024|
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