Unleashing Authentic Leadership: Embracing the 8 Pillars with Ash Beckham

In this enlightening episode of Training Unleashed, Evan Hackel sits down with leadership expert Ash Beckham to explore the transformative power of authentic leadership. Ash delves into her innovative concept of the “8 Pillars of Leadership,” discussing how empathy, individuality, courage, and grace can be applied across various leadership scenarios. Discover how embracing these pillars can elevate your leadership style, foster inclusivity, and drive organizational success.

Key Takeaways

  1. The 8 Pillars of Leadership: Learn about the core principles of leadership that go beyond traditional methods. Ash Beckham introduces a versatile approach to leadership that includes empathy, individuality, courage, and grace.
  2. Creating Your Leadership Brand: Understand the importance of authenticity in leadership. Ash explains how to establish a consistent and predictable leadership presence, regardless of the situation or organizational change.
  3. Empowering Every Role: Discover strategies to help team members at all levels recognize their leadership potential. Ash discusses ways to validate and encourage leadership qualities in employees who may not see themselves in traditional leadership roles.
  4. The Importance of Discomfort in Growth: Ash shares her insights on the necessity of stepping outside your comfort zone to foster personal and professional growth. Embracing discomfort is key to evolving as an authentic and effective leader.

About Guest

Ash Beckham is a renowned leadership coach and speaker specializing in helping individuals and teams embrace authentic leadership. With a focus on empathy, courage, and inclusivity, Ash works with high-performing teams and executives to build trust and enhance leadership skills. She offers both in-person and virtual workshops and keynotes, tailored to various stages of organizational development.

Connect with Ash

Quote of the Episode

“If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing. Leadership requires embracing discomfort and acting with authenticity.”

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2024-09-04T09:57:32-04:00September 4, 2024|

Nurturing Psychological Safety: Unveiling Workplace Insights with Mehmet Baha

His full name is Mehmet Baha and everyone calls him Baha. Since his childhood, he has been fascinated by the question: “How can I make a difference in the lives of people?” His interest led him to win a scholarship from Fulbright and finish his master’s in the USA on the topic of Conflict Resolution.

In this episode of Training Unleashed, hosted by Evan Hackel and proudly sponsored by C-suite TV, listeners are treated to an engaging exploration of psychological safety in the workplace.

Understanding Psychological Safety

Evan Hackel kicked off the conversation with a fundamental question, asking Mehmet to demystify the concept of psychological safety. Mehmet’s enlightening response highlighted psychological safety as the bedrock of environments where employees feel secure expressing questions, concerns, ideas, and even mistakes – an indispensable ingredient for fostering high-performing teams. Mehmet shared insightful strategies for establishing psychological safety, placing a special emphasis on involving employees in decision-making processes. Drawing from a transformative example, he illustrated how traditional organizations can shift decision-making power to frontline employees, fostering a culture of inclusion and agility.

Empowering Employees

Evan steered the conversation towards situations where employees fear making decisions without absolute clarity. In response, Mehmet advocated for organizational awareness, genuine interest, knowledge acquisition, and the application of empowering practices to instigate sustainable change. Mehmet shared his experiences at Facebook, shedding light on the company’s commitment to transparency, open communication, and active employee involvement in addressing challenges. The emphasis here was on fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and valued.

Free Resources

The episode drew to a close with Mehmet generously sharing free resources on psychological safety available at solutionfolder.com/free-resources. These resources include eight concise, actionable videos covering various aspects of psychological safety, providing valuable insights for organizations seeking to implement positive change.

About Our Guest

He has lived and worked in Germany, Turkey, Ireland, Guatemala, and the USA with more than 18 years of work experience. Baha was one of the first employees of Facebook in Europe. Throughout his life, he has realized the importance of collaborative work culture in organizations. So far, he has delivered training and given talks in more than 28 countries across 5 continents. Recently, he completed Harvard Business School’s Online Executive Education Programme “Organizational Leadership”. He is fluent in English, Turkish, Spanish, and German. In his free time, he loves to play percussion, travel with his family, and play puzzles with his 5-year-old daughter. His new book “ Playbook for Engaged Employees“ was published in April 2021 and has already been purchased in the US, Canada, Australia, Germany, the UK, and Switzerland.

2023-12-07T14:55:31-05:00December 7, 2023|
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