Making Training that Sticks with Meredith Bell


In this episode of Training Unleashed, Evan’s guest is Meredith Bell, Author, Speaker, Publisher of Assessment & Development Tools, and president of Performance Support Systems is the guest in this episode of Training Unleashed. Evan and Meredith have a great conversation about how to make training that sticks.

Meredith explains their theory for the reason training doesn’t stick is because there usually isn’t any follow up after the training is done. Lots of people are sent to training and it’s an event. According to Meredith, when they get back to their job they’re playing catch up. So, when they encounter a situation where they can use the new skill they automatically revert back to doing it the way they did it before training. And that’s because the brain hasn’t had a chance to rewire itself for the new behaviour.

To help the brain rewire itself, a process needs to be put in place where people are meeting regularly ideally with an accountability coach—whether it’s by phone, by a platform, or in person. “We want to have the connection to real people where there’s a structured process for talking about follow up,” explains Meredith. What commitment did I make? Did I do it? If I didn’t do it what did I do instead? If I did it, how did it go? And the learner can also support and encouragement from the coach, in addition to accountability.

Meredith and Evan discuss the process that Performance Support System follows to help make training stick: Focus, Action, Reflection. But you’ll need to listen to the episode to get more details on how to add this follow up process to your training to make it stick.

Remember to listen to the end to get Meredith’s BIG tip. Details about Meredith’s giveaway are below.

Meredith’s Giveaway

Meredith has three offers for Training Unleashed listeners.

A free ebook that will help you discover how to improve the way you listen so you really “get” what someone is trying to tell you and create a stronger relationship at the same time.

A free quiz to rate how well you and the people you work with interact with each other.

And lastly, a call with Meredith.

All are available by visiting:

About Our Guest

Meredith Bell is co-founder and President of Performance Support Systems, a global software company providing assessment and development tools for the workplace. Their award-winning tools and books guide leaders and team members to make the shift from KNOWING to DOING. The result is permanent improvements in the way people interact with each other.

Meredith is an expert in leader and team communications, the author of two books, and the host of the Strong for Performance podcast. She’s worked with thousands of business leaders, Human Resources professionals, and Learning & Development executives to successfully implement their tools. Meredith co-authored her latest book, Connect with Your Team: Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills, with her business partner, Dr. Dennis Coates. In it, Meredith and Dennis provide an unprecedented, practical step-by-step how-to guide for improving communication.