Unleashing Growth Through the Hero’s Journey: Transforming Leadership and Training w/ Dan Silberberg

In this episode of Training Unleashed, host Evan Hackel sits down with Dan Silberberg, an expert in leadership and coaching with a passion for helping individuals and organizations unlock their true potential. Dan shares his journey from corporate leadership to becoming a coach who focuses on self-awareness, authenticity, and personal growth. The discussion dives deep into the importance of self-awareness in leadership, the power of the hero’s journey, and how individuals can transform themselves to achieve their highest potential.

Key Topics Discussed:

Dan Silberberg’s Journey:

  • Dan’s transition from a corporate leader to a leadership consultant.
  • His experience returning to school to earn a master’s degree in leadership and coaching, and how this journey forced him to apply the principles of self-awareness to his own life.

The Role of Self-Awareness in Leadership:

  • Dan discusses the critical importance of self-awareness in leadership and how it enables leaders to move from reactivity to intentionality.
  • Tools and practices that leaders can use to enhance their self-awareness and lead more effectively.

The Hero’s Journey and Personal Transformation:

  • An exploration of the hero’s journey as a framework for personal development, inspired by Joseph Campbell’s work.
  • How embracing your own hero’s journey can lead to profound personal and professional transformation.
  • Dan’s eBook, From Myth to Meaning: Awakening the Leader Within, which guides readers through their own hero’s journey.

Programs and Masterminds Offered by Dan Silberberg:

  • Overview of Dan’s leadership consultancy and the programs he offers, including two 13-week courses focused on leading from within and developing personal power and influence.
  • Information on how to engage with Dan’s mastermind groups or one-on-one coaching sessions.

The Importance of Authenticity:

  • Dan shares a powerful tip for listeners: the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
  • He encourages listeners to work on their authentic selves rather than conforming to external expectations, and to create a life and legacy that they are proud of.

Special Offer: Dan is offering a free eBook titled From Myth to Meaning: Awakening the Leader Within, which takes readers through their own hero’s journey. To receive a copy, listeners can email Dan at [email protected].

About Our Guest

Dan Silberberg is the Founder of The Leader Council, operating in major cities such as New York, Boston, London, Chicago, Beverly Hills, and Sydney. He works with C-suite executives from middle-market companies ranging from $50 to $500 million in revenue. Dan is a thought leader and visionary dedicated to helping world-class leaders unleash their unrealized potential. His clients are unique, highly talented individuals committed to personal growth and bringing out the best in themselves and others.

How to Connect with Dan Silberberg:

2024-08-14T11:15:47-04:00August 14, 2024|

Unleashing the Art of Interviewing: Insights from Jordan Burton

In the dynamic world of talent acquisition, the interview process stands as a crucial gateway to identifying exceptional individuals who can contribute meaningfully to an organization’s success. Jordan Burton, an expert in interviewing and assessments shared valuable insights on everything from navigating interview questions to post-interview development strategies

Shifting Perspectives: From Good vs. Bad to Data Gathering

Jordan Burton challenged the conventional wisdom of categorizing interview responses as “good” or “bad.” Instead, he emphasized viewing interviews as data gathering exercises, where the focus should be on extracting meaningful information rather than passing judgment on the responses. With this Evan Hackel expressed his struggle with maintaining objectivity during interviews, admitting his inclination to root for every candidate. Burton emphasized the importance of approaching interviews with curiosity and objectivity, aiming to gather factual information rather than forming subjective impressions.

Interviewer Skills: Navigating the Conversation

Burton emphasized the importance of interviewer skills in managing dialogue effectively, guiding candidates to provide concrete examples and avoiding subjective biases. Its the responsibility of the interviewer to create a balance between keeping interviewees comfortable so that the interviewee is open and willing to talk and open up during the process. Burton emphasized the importance of creating a supportive environment for candidates to share authentically.

Leveraging Interview Insights for Development

Burton speaks that there is always a broken aspect to the interview process in most companies. Either it is undervalued or underused. He emphasizes the missed opportunity of not leveraging interview insights for employee development, advocating for using interview data to tailor development plans and support employees’ success in their roles.

About Our Guest

Jordan Burton is an executive assessor and interviewing trainer with over 17 years of experience. He specializes in training top VC and Private Equity investors and high-growth companies on how to hire the best talent. Jordan is a co-founder of Talgo (Talent algorithm), it’s of cracking the code on getting exceptional talent into your organization. Check out Talgo on Demand by visiting talgo.io or talgo.io/tod to get first hand advice and lessons in the art and mastery of the interviewing process no matter your level. You don’t need to be an Exec. to take advantage of this resource!

2024-04-19T15:01:10-04:00April 17, 2024|

Unleashing Potential: A Journey from Business Growth to Personal Fulfillment with Herb Cogliano

In the fast-paced world of business, success often hinges on strategy, innovation, and perseverance. In this episode, we delve into the inspiring journey of Herb Cogliano, founder of Aspire Growth Advisors, as he navigates the realms of physical challenge and business growth with equal vigor.

Applying Principles to Business:

Despite not being the youngest competitor, Herb embarked on the grueling Iron Man challenge with one goal in mind: to share the experience with his son. It’s a testament to the power of family bonds and shared goals in driving personal achievement. Herb’s approach to the Iron Man mirrors his philosophy in business—discipline, focus, and determination. As a seasoned consultant, he helps businesses articulate their vision, align their teams, and execute their goals with precision.

The Importance of Clarity:

Central to Herb’s methodology is the concept of clarity—a shared understanding of purpose, values, and objectives. In a world of distractions, clarity becomes the guiding force that steers organizations toward success. For Herb, success isn’t just about hitting targets—it’s about unleashing potential. Through Aspire Growth Advisors, he partners with mid-market companies to accelerate their growth and cultivate exceptional leadership.

Embracing the Journey

Herb’s journey serves as a reminder that true fulfillment comes from pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and discovering our limitless potential.

About Our Guest

Herb Cogliano is the founder of Aspire Growth Advisors, a seasoned consultant, and a passionate advocate for personal and professional growth. With a diverse background in business consulting and endurance sports, Herb brings a unique perspective to driving business growth. Through Aspire Growth Advisors, he offers practical strategies and resources to help mid-market companies accelerate their growth and achieve lasting transformation. Herb’s mission is to inspire individuals to embrace growth, overcome challenges, and make a meaningful impact in their organizations and communities. Visit Aspire Growth Advisors to learn more about Herb’s work and explore resources for business growth and to access their Complimentary Growth Kit!

2024-04-10T12:59:58-04:00April 10, 2024|
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