Unlocking Success in Remote Staffing: Insights from CEO Rob Buffington

His name is Rob Buffington. He is the CEO of Gordian Staffing and an expert in various domains. In today’s discussion, we’ll delve into the nuances of remote staffing, training, and organizational structure.

Challenges of Training Remote Staff

In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, remote staffing has become a pivotal aspect of business operations. Rob kicks things off by addressing a crucial question that many training professionals grapple with: How do you effectively train remote staff and get them up to speed?

Rob shares his insights, acknowledging the inherent challenges of training individuals who aren’t physically present. “Out of sight, out of mind” is a common pitfall, but Rob emphasizes the importance of allocating time upfront to ensure a smooth onboarding process. He dispels the notion of training as a plug-and-play scenario, emphasizing the human element involved.

One of the keys to successful remote training, according to Rob, is pivoting from traditional apprenticeship models. Instead of relying on a mentor physically guiding a new employee, companies need to create comprehensive scripts, outlines, and particularly videos. Rob recommends advanced preparation, ideally weeks or months ahead of the start date.

Standardization and Consistency: Building a Healthy Company Culture

Rob delves into the necessity of adapting to a structured pedagogical approach to foster consistency in company processes. He draws parallels with historical apprenticeship models, emphasizing the need for a methodical, proactive training strategy. The gradual implementation of such an approach contributes to the standardization of operations, fostering a healthier and more predictable company culture.

Drawing from his experience, Rob underlines the importance of standardizing procedures, leading to greater consistency in output. He highlights how this approach, over time, can transform a company into a more standardized and efficient entity, comparable to the success of franchises driven by their commitment to consistency.

Navigating Remote and In-Person Dynamics in Meetings

Moving into the realm of team collaboration, the discussion turns to the challenges of conducting meetings involving both remote and in-person attendees. Rob shares his perspective, recommending a unified approach that treats all employees as part of one cohesive team. He suggests avoiding separate meetings unless absolutely necessary, promoting a sense of unity among team members, regardless of physical location.

Slicing the Gordian Knot of Staffing Challenges

The analogy of “slicing the Gordian knot” serves as a metaphor for approaching old problems with new and decisive solutions. Rob’s insights have shed light on the importance of adaptability, standardization, and effective communication in fostering a successful remote workforce.

About Our Guest

Rob Buffington, CEO of Gordian, is a leading expert in remote staffing and organizational efficiency. With a focus on training and managing remote teams, Rob is dedicated to transforming traditional practices and ensuring employees are equipped for success.

As a seasoned professional, Rob brings a wealth of experience to the table, particularly in helping small to medium-sized businesses optimize their workforce. His commitment to efficiency and innovation is inspired by historical lessons, such as the tale of Alexander the Great and the Gordian Knot.

To connect with Rob Buffington and take advantage of the free consulting offer, visit Gordian Staffing or reach out to him on LinkedIn.

2024-01-29T17:37:04-05:00February 28, 2024|

Navigating the Future of Learning: Insights from Vena Sterling

This episode features a thought-provoking conversation with Vena Sterling, a prominent figure from the Leadership Research Institute. We delve into the future of learning, leadership, and the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset in today’s corporate landscape.

Understanding the Present: The Future of Learning Today

In this episode, Vena Sterling shares her insights into the current state of learning and work. According to Vena, we’re in a state of perpetual change, and returning to the way things were before is not an option. The workforce is divided between those who thrive in remote work and those eager to return to the office. Leaders face the challenge of navigating this diversity and deciding on a clear direction for their organizations. Whether it’s fully virtual, in-person, or a hybrid model, the key is making a conscious decision and communicating the “why” behind it.

Taking a Stand: Companies’ Approach to Hybrid Working

Vena emphasizes the importance of companies “picking a side” when it comes to their approach—be it fully virtual, in-person, or hybrid. Making a clear choice and communicating the “why” behind it is crucial for fostering alignment and reducing ambiguity. While not everyone may agree, clarity prevents inconsistencies and fosters a sense of purpose within the organization.

Work-Life Integration Challenges: Maintaining a Healthy Balance

The continuous integration of work into personal lives poses challenges, and Vena emphasizes the need to be mindful of this dynamic. Establishing boundaries and promoting psychological safety within teams is crucial. Leaders play a significant role in creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their needs, and organizations need to actively support well-being initiatives. Vena addresses the challenges of overworking and the increasing integration of work into personal lives. Establishing boundaries and recognizing the value of flexibility, whether in a remote or in-person setting, is vital. Vena advises individuals to master their calendars, starting with personal priorities, to create a balance between work and personal life.

Connecting with Vena Sterling and a Special Offer

The Leadership Research Institute, or LRI, has been serving clients for over 40 years, specializing in leadership development and research. Vena primarily works with women leaders and entrepreneurs, providing assessments and transformative experiences. Listeners can connect with her through the Leadership Research Institute website, www.leadershipresearchinstitute.com, or on LinkedIn, where she regularly shares insights and engages in discussions on leadership and learning.

As a special offer for Training Unleashed listeners, Vena has graciously provided a discount code for any leadership assessments. Simply use the code “TRAININGUNLEASHED” at checkout on the Leadership Research Institute website to unlock this exclusive offer.

About Our Guest

Vena Sterling is a respected figure in the field of leadership development and research. With a wealth of experience spanning over several decades, Vena has been a driving force behind the success of the Leadership Research Institute (LRI). Specializing in leadership development and research, Vena primarily works with women leaders and entrepreneurs, providing assessments and transformative experiences. Her expertise lies in guiding individuals and organizations towards effective leadership strategies, fostering growth and innovation.

2024-01-29T17:33:41-05:00January 31, 2024|

Mastering the Art of Leadership: A Conversation with Chad Brown

Chad is an Associate Partner at Take New Ground and the host of The Naked Leadership Podcast with the founding partners of TNG (Take New Ground). In this episode, Evan takes a deep dive into the world of leadership with our special guest, Chad Brown. With a wealth of experience and insights, Chad is here to share his perspectives on what it takes to be an exceptional leader.

Defining Leadership

At the heart of this episode is Chad’s definition of leadership – an art form that involves inspiring and empowering others. Drawing from his diverse background and extensive leadership roles, Chad sets the stage for a conversation that goes beyond conventional leadership norms. Evan delves into the qualities that make a great leader, exploring authenticity, empathy, and adaptability with Chad. According to Chad, titles and authority don’t define leadership; instead, it’s about influence, service, and creating a culture of collaboration. The discussion serves as a guide for both emerging and experienced leaders, offering insights into what truly matters in leadership.

Navigating Challenges: Lessons from Chad’s Journey:

One of the most engaging parts of the episode is when Chad shares a significant leadership challenge he faced – leading a team through a major organizational change. The transparency, resilience, and adaptability required during this period provided invaluable lessons that every leader can learn from.

Advice for Aspiring Leaders:

For our aspiring leaders, Chad offers practical advice based on his journey. Continuous learning, embracing challenges, and being open to feedback are key components that Chad believes can contribute to a fulfilling and successful leadership journey.

About Our Guest

Chad Brown is a leadership engagement expert. He coaches executives and entrepreneurs in the art and science of leadership for themselves, their teams, and clients to create new, unprecedented results and experience fulfillment in their work. He thrives in extreme environments and finds comfort in difficult conversations. Over the last 5 years, Chad has trained and developed leaders at globally recognized brands like Lulu Lemon, and Ironclad Document Services along with many burgeoning start-ups.

2024-03-21T13:53:32-04:00January 24, 2024|

Navigating the Modern Job Hunt: Insights from Lori Wallace

Welcome, to another engaging episode of “Training Unleashed” with your host, Evan Hackel. In this episode, Evan sits down with Lori Wallace, the founder of Career Ecology – a hub spot for Work-Life Empowerment and explores innovative perspectives on the workplace. Lori’s unique approach to career transitions and authentic relating adds a refreshing touch to the job hunting discussion.

The Modern-Day Hero Journey

Evan kicks off the conversation by delving into Lori’s concept of the “modern-day hero journey.” According to Lori, career transitions can feel like an initiation into the unknown, akin to a hero’s journey. Individuals, whether seasoned CEOs or recent graduates, often grapple with feelings of being an outcast, questioning their value, and facing uncertainties in their professional journey.

Shifting Trends in Job Hunting

The conversation shifts to the evolving landscape of job hunting, comparing the pre-pandemic era to the present. Lori notes a growing emphasis on authentic relating and genuine communication. In the pre-pandemic era, interviews were typically in person, laborious, and lacked the chance for authentic connections. Post-pandemic, with virtual touchpoints, there’s an opportunity for a more authentic exchange, akin to a speed-dating experience.

Authentic Relating in Interviews

Lori introduces the concept of “authentic relating” in interviews, emphasizing a shift from performance-oriented messaging to a service-oriented approach. She encourages individuals to express themselves authentically without succumbing to the pressure of competition. By interviewing from a place of service, candidates can establish a genuine connection with the interviewer, creating a more meaningful dialogue.

Generational Diversity

The conversation takes a turn towards hiring strategies, particularly concerning different generations in the workforce. Lori advocates for diversity and cooperation as essential elements in hiring. She stresses the significance of embracing diverse perspectives to create a dynamic and adaptable work environment. Evan concurs, highlighting the positive impact of diverse teams on innovation and business success.

Gen Z in the Workplace

Evan and Lori discuss the unique characteristics of Generation Z in the workplace. Lori underscores the importance of viewing generations through the lens of different personalities rather than age. She encourages hiring managers to consider personality types and diverse perspectives, fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.

Ecology Philosophy

Lori explains the inspiration behind her company, Career Ecology, drawing parallels with the principles of biomimicry. She emphasizes the need for individuals to authentically integrate into their professional environments, maintaining balance and adapting to changes. Career Ecology aims to empower individuals during career transitions, shifting the narrative from “outplacement” to “empowerment.”

About our Guest

Lori Wallace has mentored job seekers for over twenty years as the owner of her own search agency where she’s matched prominent hospital systems like
Cedars Sinai, Kaiser Permanente, and Sutter Health to skilled and passionate professionals ranging from CEO to Lab Assistant.

Special offers

Join Lori every Tuesday on Zoom for open discussions and expert guidance on career empowerment. Or check out her book “Way of the Monarch,” her Hero’s Journey book that offers a four-month experiential program. She extends a generous offer to listeners, providing access to the first chapter and a 10% discount on Career Ecology for Unleashed !

2024-01-16T11:14:37-05:00January 11, 2024|
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