Unleashing the Power of Transparency in Leadership with Todd Davis

In this enlightening episode of the Training Unleashed podcast, host Evan Hackel sits down with Todd Davis, Chief People Officer at FranklinCovey and author of the best-selling book *Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work*. With 40 years of experience in leadership and organizational performance improvement, Todd shares his wealth of knowledge on what it takes to foster effective and lasting change in human behavior within organizations.

Key Discussion Points:

FranklinCovey’s Legacy and Expertise:

  • Todd discusses his 28-year tenure at FranklinCovey and the company’s 40-year history in the leadership space.
  • Emphasizes FranklinCovey’s global reach and their ability to glean leadership insights from top leaders around the world.

Innovations and Research:

  •  Insights into FranklinCovey’s robust innovations team that conducts ongoing research to address pressing organizational challenges.
  • Collaboration with leading thought leaders like Liz Wiseman, author of *Multipliers*, to enhance their course offerings.

Importance of Humility and Partnerships:

  • Todd highlights the importance of partnering with other content creators to bring the best solutions to their clients.
  • Discusses how humility and a willingness to learn from others contribute to FranklinCovey’s success.

Behavior Change and Performance Improvement:

  • Explanation of how FranklinCovey helps organizations achieve results through behavior change.
  • Description of the All Access Pass, which provides clients with comprehensive access to FranklinCovey’s vast array of solutions and resources.

Practical Tips for Leaders:

  • Todd’s top tip for leaders: Be transparent with everyone you interact with, regardless of their position.
  • Emphasis on treating everyone as fellow human beings to foster genuine connections and effective leadership.

Personal Anecdotes and Insights:

Evan shares a personal story about striving for greater transparency and honesty in his own life, underscoring the challenges and benefits of such an approach.

 Notable Quotes:

Todd Davis: “We have this aspirational goal of always trying to model our content… we fall down a lot, but we get back up.”

Evan Hackel: “If you’re gonna be more transparent, you might let some people know. Give them a heads up as to the new you.”

About Our Guest

Todd Davis has over 26 years of experience in training, training development, human resources, executive recruiting, sales, and marketing. He has
been with FranklinCovey for the past 13 years and is the Chief People Officer.Todd is extremely passionate about teaching and living the principles and
concepts contained in FranklinCovey offerings. He believes strongly that to become a true leader you must first “be the change” and he diligently
strives to be a model of what he teaches.

Additional Resources:

FranklinCovey: franklincovey.com

Todd Davis’ Book: Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work 

Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers: Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter 

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Training Unleashed. Stay inspired and keep learning!

Additional Media:

2024-07-31T11:30:06-04:00July 31, 2024|

Unleashing the Power of Leadership: Insights from Michelle Beauchamp

In a recent enlightening episode, host Evan Hackel sat down with Michelle Beauchamp, an expert in leadership and corporate training, to delve into the essence of effective leadership and organizational culture. The discussion revolved around several key principles that are crucial for fostering a thriving, inclusive, and productive workplace.

The Importance of Culture in Leadership

Michelle Beauchamp emphasized that leadership is not just about guiding others but about cultivating a culture that aligns with the core values of compassion, competence, and character. These elements are fundamental to building a team that not only follows a leader but works alongside them, creating a collaborative and trusting environment. Michelle pointed out that:

  • Compassion: Leaders must show genuine care for their team members. This involves understanding their needs, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Competence: Continuous training and development are crucial. Leaders should invest in their team’s skills and provide opportunities for growth.
  • Character: Trust is built when leaders follow through on their promises and maintain integrity in their actions.

Generational Diversity and Unified Collaboration

One of the standout points in the conversation was the acknowledgment of generational differences in the workplace. Michelle highlighted the need for leaders to recognize and respect these differences, fostering a culture of collaboration that leverages the unique strengths and values of each generation. This approach not only unifies teams but also drives innovation and adaptability.

Assessment and Gap Analysis for Cultural Alignment

Evan Hackel and Michelle Beauchamp discussed the process of evaluating and realigning organizational culture. This involves:

  1. Assessing the current culture and values within the organization.
  2. Identifying the desired cultural values that will support the company’s goals.
  3. Conducting a gap analysis to find discrepancies between the current and desired states.
  4. Implementing training programs to bridge these gaps and, if necessary, rehiring to align with the new cultural direction.

Training as a Profit Center

A significant insight shared by Michelle was the concept of viewing training as a profit center rather than just an investment. Effective training programs can improve performance metrics, such as close rates in sales or error rates in manufacturing, leading directly to increased profitability. This perspective shifts the narrative from training being a cost to being a revenue-generating activity.

One-on-One Coaching vs. Mastermind Groups

Michelle differentiated between the benefits of one-on-one coaching and mastermind groups:

  • One-on-One Coaching: Provides personalized attention, allowing individuals to address their specific challenges confidentially and in detail.
  • Mastermind Groups: Offer a collaborative environment where like-minded individuals can share experiences, brainstorm solutions, and gain a sense of community and support.

The Champ Group’s Approach

Michelle Beauchamp’s company, The Champ Group, specializes in leadership training, diversity, equity, inclusion, and communication. They focus on ongoing training rather than one-time workshops, ensuring that the principles taught are integrated into everyday practices. The Champ Group provides various services, including workshops, corporate training, mastermind groups, and one-on-one coaching.

For those interested in assessing their leadership style, Michelle offers a free leadership quiz available on The Champ Group’s website. This tool provides valuable insights into personal leadership strengths and areas for growth, fostering self-awareness and continuous improvement.

Stretching Out of the Comfort Zone

Michelle concluded with a powerful tip: stretch out of your comfort zone. Growth and relearning require stepping beyond familiar boundaries. By embracing discomfort and continuously striving for improvement, leaders can significantly impact their organizations and drive meaningful change.

About Our Guest

Michelle’s passion is, quite simply, helping people grow. Her motto, “Unleash Your Inner Champ,” is evident in her client relationship rapport, vast course curriculum, design structure, and delivery method.

Michelle is a certified coach, speaker, and trainer on the John Maxwell team. Michelle’s 25 years in Corporate America as a Sales Leader in Telecommunications, combined with her 12 + years as an entrepreneur, has equipped her to help others explore their strengths, improve areas of weakness and through a journey of inner discovery, create and lead inclusive cultures that enrich relationships and increase productivity.

2024-05-31T00:49:24-04:00June 5, 2024|

Navigating Diversity and Equity Across Borders: Insights from Toby Mildon

Toby Mildon is on a mission to help put the right strategies in place to improve retention, innovation, productivity, profitability and so much more. In this episode of Training Unleashed, Evan Hackle and Toby have an enlightening discussion on diversity and inclusion.

Comparing Diversity Discussions: UK vs. US

The definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion are remarkably similar in the UK and the US. Toby emphasizes the importance of all three elements for creating a fair society. Diversity includes everyone, inclusion enables full contributions, and equity emphasizes personalized approaches. Toby introduces the iceberg analogy, stating that visible characteristics represent only 10% of our diversity, while the remaining 80% consists of invisible attributes. Understanding this diversity is crucial for creating an inclusive and respectful work environment.

Impact of Bias on Decision-Making

Bias, often automatic and unintentional, significantly influences decision-making, especially in critical situations like hiring or promotions. Toby highlights the importance of being mindful, curious, and challenging assumptions to understand individuals and their strengths.

Six Signature Traits of Inclusive Leadership

Toby shares the six traits identified by Deloitte for inclusive leadership:

  1. Curiosity: A trait essential for inclusive leaders.
  2. Cognizance: Being aware of biases and blind spots.
  3. Courage: Fostering honest, frank, and brave discussions.
  4. Cultural Intelligence: Understanding and navigating different cultures.
  5. Collaboration: Encouraging effective collaboration across teams.
  6. Commitment: A commitment to diversity and inclusion, challenging the status quo.
Inclusive Growth: Good for Business

Toby emphasizes that diverse teams make better decisions, and McKinsey’s reports support the idea that diverse leadership teams lead to more profitable businesses. Inclusive cultures improve creativity, innovation, customer experiences, and employee retention, leading to positive business outcomes.

About Our Guest

Toby Mildon, the founder of Milton Echo Ltd., is a dedicated advocate for fostering inclusive cultures within organizations. With a wealth of experience, Toby collaborates with clients to drive positive change, improve productivity, and create environments where everyone feels valued. For more information about Toby Mildon and his work, visit Milton Echo Ltd.. Connect with Toby on LinkedIn, where he shares valuable content regularly.

2024-01-29T17:36:23-05:00February 21, 2024|

Mastering the Art of Leadership: A Conversation with Chad Brown

Chad is an Associate Partner at Take New Ground and the host of The Naked Leadership Podcast with the founding partners of TNG (Take New Ground). In this episode, Evan takes a deep dive into the world of leadership with our special guest, Chad Brown. With a wealth of experience and insights, Chad is here to share his perspectives on what it takes to be an exceptional leader.

Defining Leadership

At the heart of this episode is Chad’s definition of leadership – an art form that involves inspiring and empowering others. Drawing from his diverse background and extensive leadership roles, Chad sets the stage for a conversation that goes beyond conventional leadership norms. Evan delves into the qualities that make a great leader, exploring authenticity, empathy, and adaptability with Chad. According to Chad, titles and authority don’t define leadership; instead, it’s about influence, service, and creating a culture of collaboration. The discussion serves as a guide for both emerging and experienced leaders, offering insights into what truly matters in leadership.

Navigating Challenges: Lessons from Chad’s Journey:

One of the most engaging parts of the episode is when Chad shares a significant leadership challenge he faced – leading a team through a major organizational change. The transparency, resilience, and adaptability required during this period provided invaluable lessons that every leader can learn from.

Advice for Aspiring Leaders:

For our aspiring leaders, Chad offers practical advice based on his journey. Continuous learning, embracing challenges, and being open to feedback are key components that Chad believes can contribute to a fulfilling and successful leadership journey.

About Our Guest

Chad Brown is a leadership engagement expert. He coaches executives and entrepreneurs in the art and science of leadership for themselves, their teams, and clients to create new, unprecedented results and experience fulfillment in their work. He thrives in extreme environments and finds comfort in difficult conversations. Over the last 5 years, Chad has trained and developed leaders at globally recognized brands like Lulu Lemon, and Ironclad Document Services along with many burgeoning start-ups.

2024-03-21T13:53:32-04:00January 24, 2024|

Creating Inclusive Workplaces: A Conversation with Sejal Thakkar

Sejal Thakkar is on a mission to educate and empower people to create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. In this episode of “Training Unleashed,” host Evan Hackel engaged in a compelling conversation with Sejal, delving into the critical aspects of equity, diversity, and employee civility in the workplace.

The Hard Way v. The Easy Way?

The discussion kicks off with the question of whether companies prefer the hard way or the easy way when it comes to training and coaching leaders. Thakkar emphasizes the importance of being proactive in providing leaders with the necessary tools to prevent issues, rather than taking shortcuts that might lead to negative consequences later.

Bystander Training: Empowering the Silent Observers

Thakkar passionately advocated for bystander intervention training, shedding light on the pivotal role of bystanders in creating safe environments. By encouraging respectful and professional intervention, organizations can alleviate the burden placed on marginalized individuals and contribute to the establishment of psychological safety.

The HAT Technique

Thakkar introduces the HAT technique—an acronym for Hold Off, Ask Why, and Take Action—as a framework for mitigating unconscious biases. This technique encourages individuals to question immediate reactions, explore the reasons behind biases, and take actions that promote inclusivity.

Golden Rule? No, The Platinum Rule!

The episode concludes with a valuable tip from Sajel: adopting the platinum rule—treating others how they want to be treated. By understanding and respecting individual differences, organizations can enhance creativity, innovation, and overall workplace dynamics.

About Our Guest

Sejal is a former employment law attorney, a 2X TEDx speaker, and the Founder and Chief Civility Officer at TrainXtra, where she helps leaders create positive, safe, and respectful workplaces through customized training and coaching. She is responsible for cultivating a people-first culture at Nobody Studios.

She invites all organizations to explore TrainXtra‘s workshops and resources. Whether in-person or virtual, TrainXtra offers a diverse range of workshops covering topics such as unconscious bias, microaggressions, and fostering diversity and inclusion.

2023-11-17T17:26:25-05:00November 17, 2023|

Leading with Encouragement: A Path to a Positive Workplace Culture With John Robertson

John Robertson is the Founder and President of FORTLOG Services. John built his services with a focus on an encouragement-based approach, resolving root causes as opposed to treating crisis and transition in the workplace symptomatically, as is often the practice. In this episode of Training Unleashed, host Evan Hackle and guest John Robertson discuss how wellness is more than not being sick.

Quit playing whack-a-mole

A common practice in most workplaces is to treat a crisis when it arises. This is all done symptomatically. John’s approach centers on analyzing and confronting the root causes of problems. He underscores the significance of leaders’ roles in not just reacting to issues but comprehending why they arise in the first place. Instead of jumping up and whacking the “mole”, you need to stop talk about what the cause is.

Instead of playing the game, unplug the machine.

The Power of Encouragement

The conversation takes an authentic turn as the significance of genuine encouragement is explored. John emphasizes that effective encouragement requires leaders to be authentic and transparent in their interactions. He also highlights the challenge of time in a fast-paced work environment, where patience and encouragement may be undervalued.

Encouragement creates a culture where individuals can learn from mistakes and grow, without fear of punitive reactions.

About Our Guest

John’s been a trusted thinking partner with 30+years of assisting individuals and organizations in managing all forms of crisis/change. He leverages a values-anchored ethos as a leadership development specialist, helping organizations and individuals to define the new norm and thrive.

2023-11-17T15:48:19-05:00September 27, 2023|
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